Friday, April 7, 2023


You can notice an increase in your utility cost when the temperature varies, and with the unpredictable weather, there’s a continuous usage of appliances. Fortunately, there are a few fairly easy things that anyone can do to reduce their energy bills at home. 

In this article, we'll walk you through a few strategies for lowering your electricity costs so you have more money over the long run.


Given that we now live in the era of the smart home, it makes sense to make the most of the resources at your disposal in order to reduce your use of electricity when the weather becomes chilly. And that's a terrific place to start because the heating system in a home uses the most energy.

To save your heating/cooling expenditures, we advise installing a programmable thermostat or setting your current one to a preset programmer. When your family is away at work or school during the day, for instance, you don't need to keep the temperature inside your home at 72. 

Instead, you can reduce heating expenditures by instructing your thermostat to maintain a temperature of 65° during those many hours. Because you'll be snug in bed asleep and asleep during the night, you can also use this strategy then.


The simplest approach to cut the expense of lighting in your home is to replace any incandescent fixtures or bulbs with more recent, energy-efficient LED light sources.

A concern that LEDs might emit a harsh "blue" light is no longer a concern thanks to current LED technology. With adjustable dimmer controls, the majority of LEDs now emit a pleasant, warm glow. It's a win-win situation because you can still achieve the ideal cost indoor environment while using less electricity.


Forget about replacing your thermostat or spending money on new light bulbs for every room in your house. We would like to share numerous free energy-saving suggestions that practically everyone may do to help lower their electric bill.

1. Use a Programmable Thermostat: 

Installing a programmable thermostat can help you manage your energy use by automatically adjusting the temperature according to your schedule. This can help save energy and money by not heating your home when you’re not there. 

2. Seal Air Leaks: 

Seal any air leaks around windows and doors to help prevent warm air from escaping your home. This can help keep your home warm and reduce energy costs. 

3. Lower the Temperature: 

Lowering the temperature of your thermostat by just a few degrees can make a big difference in your energy bill. During the day when you’re not home, set the temperature lower than when you’re home. 

4. Install a Smart Power Strip: 

Smart power strips can help you manage your energy use by automatically shutting off power to devices that aren’t in use. This can help reduce energy costs and help save on your electric bill. 

5. Use Natural Light: 

Open curtains and blinds to take advantage of natural sunlight during the day. This can help reduce your need for artificial lighting and save energy.

Get a thorough examination of your home's energy usage from our electrical contractors reading professionals at SK Electrical Works to increase your home's energy efficiency. Any size energy-saving project can benefit from the assistance of our qualified staff. 

You can rely on us for everything from installing LED lighting and replacing fluorescent ballasts to installing occupancy sensors, upgrading your wiring, and more. 

To get a price right away, click here or dial +44 7503707661 or submit an electrician request form online to reach us anytime.

Electrical Contractors Reading

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

5 Vital tips When Choosing an Electrical Contractor Reading

With so many persons posing as certified, skilled Reading electricians, choosing the appropriate electrical contractor for your domestic or commercial service has never been more crucial. Many consumers are inclined to go with the cheapest price, which may frequently turn out to be an expensive mistake. That being said, deciding who to trust with your electrical installation and repair is not always straightforward, since there are several aspects to consider while making your choice.

Five methods for selecting the best electrical contractors:

1.     NICEIC – Certified Quality Workmanship

The most important thing to look for in an electrical contractor is accreditation and approval from the National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting (NICEIC). It is best to hire an electrician in Reading with NICEIC authorization because the organization assesses the competence of both residential as well as commercial electricians in order to ensure safe systems and procedures that conform to the standards set by the IEE (Institute of Electrical Engineers), which sets the standards for electrical installation work.

2.     Quality Workmanship

While some of us assume we can spot high-quality electrical work, the fact is that few of us do not properly know the basics of electrical systems. Because of this lack of awareness, determining what constitutes a decent electrical installation is up to interpretation. In the 1990s, the National Electrical Contractors Association (NECA) created the National Electrical Installation Standards (NEIS) to eliminate subjective judgments of this critical attribute.

Even with a basic understanding of often-complex electrical systems, few of us would agree that the depiction appears professional. You should be able to hold your electrical contractors Reading to a high standard of competence.

3.     Safety Standards

You have the right to expect your electrical contractor to adhere to the strictest electrical safety regulations. There are several safety requirements that relate to electrical work that you should be aware of. Since 2005, all electrical works in residential areas in England and Wales have had to comply with Part P of the Building Regulations. Part P compliance is meant to keep you and your family as safe from electrical risks as possible.

"According to Part P, anyone undertaking electrical work in a residential area must ensure that reasonable provisions have been made in the design and electrical installations to protect any persons who may use, maintain, or alter the electrical installation of that residing from fire and injury, including electric shock."

4.     Testimonials

 A qualified electrical contractor will have a portfolio of work and prior clients who can speak to the quality of their work. People who have previously utilized someone's services are the ideal people to tell you what it's like to deal with them, and you should ask to look at a domestic electrician's valuations. They may accept comments through their website, and social media accounts.

Don't be hesitant to ask to talk with former clients so you can hear their comments first-hand and, if necessary, ask more questions. It is also worth noting that expecting to hear that everything the contractor has ever done has gone perfectly smoothly may be unreasonable since things can go wrong for a variety of reasons. The essential thing to remember is that the contractor addressed the difficulties and quickly remedied the situation. It's important to realize that testimonials or reviews can be posted by anybody and aren't necessarily trustworthy. They can be used to trick naïve clients into selecting a contractor when, in truth, they may not represent genuine customer feedback.

5.     Customer Service

 We want businesses to provide excellent customer service, which includes dealing with customers swiftly and effectively and addressing any concerns that may occur. Customer pleasure is the ideal form of advertising for new clients and recurring businesses. Hire our SK electrical works emergency electrician Reading professionals for your electrical works.

While people's standards for what gives customers pleasure are likely to differ, quality service reveals itself in some or all of the following ways:

  • Dependability and punctuality
  • A professional demeanor and a good personal presentation
  • Make preparations for the work that needs to be done and take the time to explain them.
  • Maintain the property's cleanliness.
  • Respect the property, the privacy of the residents, and the neighbors.
  • Finish the task on schedule and under budget.

You could benefit from talking with electrical contractors about your expectations and whether they can be met on your project. A discussion allows you to concur on what is essential to you, your expectations, and whether or not they are reasonable and feasible.